Howdy folks and welcome to week 4. We are SO excited about the debut of kohlrabi!!! I know that seems a little crazy to be so excited about this gnarly looking veggie but it’s one of our favorites and will add the best crunch to any salad, slaw, or simply used as a crunchy vehicle for dipping into your favorite sauce or dip. It’s also lovely roasted and pureed. We love using it instead of potatoes for mashers and it tastes great pureed into a creamy soup. I think this week a creamy kohlrabi and spinach soup with lots of the garlic scapes could be a really tasty dish. And of course, fore more ideas see the recipe suggestions below.
Anyhow, we hope you enjoy this weeks haul. The fields are looking great and all of the summer crops are starting to really take off. Peppers, tomatoes, melons, eggplants, sugar snap peas, and corn are all thriving. In the meantime we hope you enjoy these greens!
Happy cooking!
Your farmers,
A & T & Baby P
Harvest 4
Kohlrabi (the leaves are edible and can be sautéed or added to smoothies or soups)
Head Lettuce
Carrots (remove the tops and store them separately)
Turnips (remove the tops and store separately)
Collard Greens
Garlic Scapes