Howdy folks and welcome to week 5. We hope you all are having a great start to your week and have cleared out your fridge and are ready for this week’s haul. If you are struggling to get through some of the random greens from week’s past, one of my favorite meals is “compost pasta”. Literally, I sauté some garlic in butter on the stovetop and then throw in all of the half wilted greens from the dark corner of our fridge. Cook until wilted and then add it to pasta with plenty of freshly grated cheese, crushed red pepper flakes and viola! It never fails. Even with the saddest looking veggies in the fridge.
Anyhow, we’re pretty happy to debut the first of this season’s broccoli and scallions this week. Along with beautiful heads of romaine lettuce, giant spinach, kale and the first outdoor beets of the season. The first round of beets came from the greenhouse and now the outdoor plantings are cranking! The beet and yogurt dressing featured below is SO GOOD!! I hope you all get a chance to whip it up. It’s refreshing and tastes great on pretty much anything.
We hope you all enjoy the veggies this week. Thank you again for being a part of the Tumbleweed CSA. You guys rule!
Happy cooking and eating everyone.
Your farmers,
A & T & Baby P
Harvest 5
Romaine Lettuce
Broccoli X 2
Recipe Suggestions
Lamb & Walnut Patties with Rice, Greens & Beet Dressing (this recipe also uses up the beet greens!)
Sheet Pan Salmon with Broccoli, Turnips & Turnip Greens Chimichurri (try this with the beets and beet greens)
Broccoli & Sauerkraut Egg Cups for your little ones!