Howdy folks and welcome to week three of your CSA. This week we are happy for the annual debut of garlic scapes! These babies have a fleeting season and we love cherishing every tasty bit while it’s around! If you are new to eating garlic scapes they are the stem and flower bud of hard neck garlic plants. They have a lovely fresh garlic flavor and can be used in any recipe that calls for garlic, but the beauty is no peeling is needed and they have a more mellow yet fresh flavor (and you can use the whole spear!) They’re great tossed on the grill with oil and salt and eaten straight up. They’re lovely pickled, diced up and added to soups, salads, or dressing. Have fun and enjoy these curly flavor bombs! One of my favorite quick side dishes to utilize some of this week’s box is to sauté the spinach and garlic scapes in a healthy tablespoon or so of butter. Then top the wilted greens with some lemon zest and freshly grated cheese. It’s a wonderful side dish to pretty much any main course. The spinach is so hearty it can stand up to heat so warm spinach salads, soups, pestos, or simply sautéed like the above method is a good way to use this hearty green. Another exciting green in this week’s share is curly endive. It has a wonderfully bitter flavor and tastes great raw, sautéed, grilled (think grilled romain but even more flavorful) or added to soups (like the first recipe linked below.) We are big fans of endive around these parts and hope you all enjoy it as much as we do. Another exciting veggie making its debut this week is CARROTS!! Woohoo!! There’s plenty more where those came from and as the season goes on you’ll see more of them popping up in your boxes.
I hope you all have enjoyed the much needed cooler weather and rain. Happy cooking and eating everyone.
Your farmers,
A & T & Baby P
Harvest 3
Rainbow Chard
Radishes (remove the greens and store separately)
Carrots (remove the greens and store separately)
Endive (aka Frisèe)
Bok Choy
Garlic Scapes
Head Lettuce
Recipe Suggestions
Chicory Salad with White Beans, Anchovies and Parmesan (this is one of our favorite salads of all time)
Miso Harissa Salmon & Veggie Salad (such a good one to use up the garlic scapes and radishes!)