2020 Harvest 5


Howdy folks and welcome to week 5. We’re still swimming in greens and hope you aren’t tired of salads yet! Don’t worry the summer crops are cranking and things in the fields are looking better then ever. Taylor’s hilling the potatoes as I write this (they look SO good this season) zucchini and summer squash are starting to flower, eggplants are growing, tomatoes and peppers and looking great and the corn is starting to really take off! Of course many of those things are still a ways out but there is so much to look forward too! In the meantimes, it’s all about those greens! This week everyone who did not receive strawberries last week will get them, and if you don’t receive peas this week you’ll get them next week.

Alright everyone, we hope you all are healthy and loving this summer weather! Take care and enjoy the bounty.

Your farmers,
A & T & Baby P

Harvest 5

  1. Romaine Lettuce

  2. Head Lettuce

  3. Radishes (remove the greens and store separately)

  4. Broccoli

  5. Spinach

  6. Collard Greens

  7. Dill

  8. Sugar Snap Peas (half of you this week, the other half next week)

  9. Strawberries (the half of you that didn’t receive them last week are getting them today)

Recipe Suggestions