Howdy folks and welcome to week 15! Hot damn summer is flying by! We can’t believe it’s the last week of August but here we are. We hope you all get to enjoy cooking and eating at home this week with all the summer bounty. After a long (full month behind last season) wait our beloved tomatoes are finally here! We hope you enjoy them along with the usual suspects this week. We’ll have corn for at least one more week if not two so enjoy it while it lasts! The sweet peppers are awesome this season and we’ve been stuffing them with rice, beans and lots of ground beef recently. So good!
Have a great last week of August everyone and enjoy the late summer bounty!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 15
Romaine Lettuce
Swiss Chard
Bell Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes
Full Size tomatoes
Recipe Suggestions
Swiss Chard Salad with Hazelnuts & Mushrooms (this is SO good!)
Zucchini Butter (AKA the best condiment EVER!)