2019 Harvest 14


Howdy folks and welcome to week 14. We hope you all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying these last few weeks of August. It’s hard to believe that September is right around the corner and we’re noticing the days getting shorter and shorter with each passing week. With all that being said, these past few hot and sunny weeks have been SO good for the farm. We’re finally catching up with the summer bounty after such a slow start. This week we’re excited to debut the first of this season’s eggplant and peppers to the boxes along with 6 ears of fresh sweet corn for each family along with the usual suspects…zucchini, cucumbers, greens, herbs, beans, etc.

We hope you enjoy the bounty this week everyone! Happy cooking and eating.

Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest 14

  1. Head Lettuce

  2. Kale

  3. Carrots

  4. Parsley

  5. Green Beans

  6. Scallions

  7. Garlic

  8. Eggplant

  9. Sweet Peppers

  10. Zucchini

  11. Cucumbers

Recipe Suggestions

Zucchini Swiss Chard and Chickpea Soup (sub the kale for the chard)

Zucchini Swiss Chard and Chickpea Soup (sub the kale for the chard)