Howdy folks and welcome to September and your week 16 CSA share. This week is the last week of corn and green beans so go wild with them at home! We’re excited to have an abundance of eggplant this week along with more tomatoes (which you can make one of my favorite pasta sauces with both those babies—see below) and the first round of shishito peppers. We love these sweet little frying peppers and usually either throw them whole onto the grill with olive oil, salt and pepper or we’ll blister them in a hot cast iron pan with oil and salt. They’re the absolute best appetizer and we hope you love them as much as we do!
A lot of fall crops are coming in soon so there will be a fun overlap of the summer bounty with plenty of green things like broccoli, bok choy, spinach, and cabbage. Next week potatoes and onions will make their seasonal debut and we’re excited that the tomatoes are finally coming on strong so depsite being super late this season, we’ll have them well into the fall. Yay!
We hope you all enjoy the harvest this week. Happy cooking and eating everyone!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 16
Green Beans
Cherry Tomatoes
Full size tomatoes
Shishito Peppers
Bell Peppers
Recipe Suggestions
Jamaican Jerk Eggplant Steaks (these are SO good!)