2021 Harvest 8

Howdy folks and welcome to week 8. We’ve got a killer box this week that we are really proud of and hope you enjoy it as much as we do! The extreme heat did not kill off the last of the spring broccoli or lettuces and they are healthy and delicious. This will be the last week of broccoli until the fall but expect more lettuce in the coming weeks. We’ve got the first of the season’s cured garlic along with more zucchini, beets, leeks, radishes, dill, romaine and head lettuce. The tomatoes are cranking though it’ll still be a while before we have enough for CSA, but I assure you they’re coming! Peppers and corn are looking healthy and potatoes will be making their seasonal debut soon. We hope you all enjoy your veggies this week. Take care and be safe everyone.

Your farmers,
A & T & baby P

Harvest 8

  1. Beets (remove the greens and store separately)

  2. Head Lettuce

  3. Romaine Lettuce

  4. Radishes (remove the greens and store them separately)

  5. Leeks

  6. Garlic

  7. Dill

  8. Broccoli

  9. zucchini/summer squash

Recipe Suggestions

Jammy Summer Squash with Basil & Anchovies (use the dill instead from this week’s box)

Jammy Summer Squash with Basil & Anchovies (use the dill instead from this week’s box)