Howdy folks and welcome to week 9! Hot damn it’s a warm one this week. Things in the field are cranking and it’s a full time job keeping water going and moving irrigation around all day. Luckily we’ve got a system that’s pretty dialed and makes moving lines around not too bad. But with temperatures like we’re having we’ve got to stay on top of it. With the hot weather comes the ZUCCHINI!! It’s coming on fast and strong and we don’t want to overwhelm you all but you can expect to have it in your shares pretty much every week for the next month + so we’ll do our best to keep you inspired to cook up this productive summer crop. Other summer veggies are coming on. The tomatoes are slowly making their way to our farmers market booth but it will still be a few weeks before there’s enough to distribute to CSA. Peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and corn are all looking really healthy and should be a few more weeks out. Green beans are slowly but surly growing and should be harvestable in a few weeks. So with all that being said, yeah, it’s feeling like summer out here at the farm! We hope you all have been enjoying the veggies and are ready for this week’s haul!
Happy cooking and eating everyone!
Your farmers,
A & T & Baby P
Harvest 9
Collard Greens
Carrots (remove the tops and store them separately)
Basil (store on the counter in a jar with water)
Zucchini/Summer Squash
Head lettuce
Beets (remove the greens and store them separately)
Recipe Suggestions
Beet, Lentil & Kale Salad with Honey Tahini Dressing (you can substitute with the head lettuce, collard greens or chopped cabbage in place of the kale this week)