Howdy folks and welcome to week 5 of your Tumbleweed Farm CSA. This week it’s all about them greens!!! And I know it’s been a pretty “green” heavy couple of weeks but please enjoy them while we’ve got ‘em. Next week the boxes will be pretty “root veggie” heavy so for now (and thank god for the warm weather) it’s a salad kind of week. Or let’s get real— I’ve got plenty more recipes besides salads you can whip up with all of these amazing greens. Just check out the recipe suggestions below. What I love about the CSA ( or seasonal eating in general) is that it really does force you to work with what you’ve got and what’s coming out of the earth in your region. So even though tomatoes and corn may sound really good right now, they’ll taste even better once their time comes. So I hope you all can embrace the greens and enjoy some delcious meals with folks you’re pumped to be around.
Happy cooking and eating everyone!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest Week 5
Head Lettuce
Radishes (remove the greens and store them separately)
Garlic Scapes
Strawberries (for all the folks who didn’t get them last week)
Recipe Suggestions
Kale and Chorizo Stew (substitute the cauliflower for chopped up kohlrabi)