2019 Harvest 4


Howdy folks and welcome to week 4 of your CSA. This week we’re excited to start getting strawberries into the boxes. With that being said, they’re just coming on now so this week it’s everyone who picks up in Hood River and next week it’ll be everyone who picks up in Portland. So don’t worry, over the next few weeks you’ll all get to enjoy a pint or two of berries!

This week we’re also excited to debut some beautiful rainbow chard along with head lettuce. This will probably be the last week of bok choy until the fall (I know a lot of you will be excited for the break but I know a few of you die hard bok choy lovers will be sad to say goodbye for a few months.) Regardless, there is a lot of new stuff on the horizon so hopefully you wont’ get too bored with all the greens. Soon enough there will be endless zucchini, peas, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, herbs and more. Just you wait!

We hope you all have a fabulous week!

Cheers to the spring bounty!

Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest 4

  1. Garlic Scapes

  2. Bok Choy

  3. Turnips (remove the greens and store them separately)

  4. Spinach

  5. Rainbow Chard

  6. Head Lettuce

  7. Strawberries (for half of you this week)

Recipe Suggestions