2018 Harvest 12

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Howdy folks and welcome to week 12. Hopefully you all got to enjoy a little relief from the heat before it warms up again this week. It may be hot and uncomfortable but we're really happy with this weeks harvest. Corn is finally making its seasonal debut! We've been worried about the corn crop because it was not responding well to these last few weeks of extreme heat. Luckily, everyone will get some and it's absolutely delicious. The tricky part about corn is that it's best when eaten day of or just a couple of days after harvest. So if you can, grill or boil some up tonight or tomorrow!

This week everyone is getting tomatoes. Some folks are getting cherry tomatoes while others are getting full sized ones. In the next couple of weeks you'll all be getting full size and cherries at the same time. The melons are slowly coming on and we'll be putting them in boxes as we've got them. Not to worry, you'll all receive melons at some point.

This week we're harvesting all of our storage onions. They are looking big and beautiful and we're really stoked with this season's yield. We'll be curing those in the barn for the next couple of weeks before we start putting them in boxes.  

It's really starting to feel and taste like summer around here folks! We hope you enjoy this weeks bounty.

Stay cool out there!

Your farmers,
A & T


Harvest 12

  1. Kale
  2. Carrots (remove greens for storage)
  3. Radishes (remove greens for storage)
  4. Scallions
  5. Parsley
  6. Basil (keep in a jar of water on the counter)
  7. Corn (3 ears)
  8. Garlic
  9. Cucumbers
  10. Zucchini
  11. Tomatoes (either full size or cherries)
  12. Melons (if you don't receive any this week you will in the next week or two)

Recipe Suggestions