2018 Harvest 13

harvest week 13 2018.jpg

Howdy folks and welcome to week 13 of your Tumbleweed Farm share. This past week we were SO damn happy to have a little relief from the heat. The plants were happy which made us so much more relaxed around here. Today has been a wonderful day at the farm with a warm breeze and perfect working conditions. However, it looks like the heat is coming back and we're preparing for another round of high 90's. The good news is that the summer corps are starting to crank and this week we're happy to have green beans, corn, peppers and tomatoes in your shares. We also have more melons but they'll be divided slowly between the shares over the next week or two (they've been slow to mature this year). Not to worry though, you'll all get some soon enough!

Anyhow, we wanted to pass along a reminder to you all about our party on August 25th. The music will be rocking, we'll have plenty of cold beer and wine, and we just ask that you bring your own picnic if you plan on eating. It's always a good time and we're excited for another year of celebrating the farm season with you all. Swing on up to the farm anytime after 4pm on Saturday the 25th.

Alright, enjoy the veggies this week everyone. 

Take care and happy cooking!

Your farmers,
T & A

Harvest 13

  1. Swiss Chard
  2. Beets
  3. Corn 
  4. Bell Peppers
  5. Tomatoes (cherries or full size)
  6. Garlic
  7. Zucchini
  8. Cucumbers
  9. Green Beans
  10. Kohlrabi
  11. Basil

Recipe Suggestions