2018 Harvest 2

2018 CSA 2.jpg

Howdy folks and welcome to week two of your Tumbleweed Farm share. We hope you enjoyed last weeks veggies and have cleared room in the fridge for this week's harvest. If you're anything like us, you may have an "oh sh*t, it's CSA delivery day" panic attack if you haven't been able to eat through last week's share. We have a little concoction that we whip up when we need to make room for more veggies and we call it "compost pasta." Basically, we take the contents of what's leftover and sauté everything in butter and garlic and toss it with hot pasta and cheese. It tastes great and no recipe required! 

The past seven days have been pretty darn wonderful at the farm. The weather has treated us well with cool and comfortable temps and we feel like we can actually watch the corn grow by the minute. The upper field is filling up quickly with summer crops and the squash, cucumbers and melons are established and looking great. We're starting to plant the first of the tomatoes in one of the hoop houses and we'll follow those up with peppers and eggplants.  It may still be May but we can almost taste the summer bounty.

This week we are really happy to have kale in the boxes because this same planting (over half of it) was wiped out by root maggot a few weeks ago. We didn't think we'd have enough for CSA but alas, what did survive is growing strong! The next succession of kale (which is in another part of the field) is looking pretty good so we're hopeful that you'll get your kale fix this season. The greenhouse beets continue to produce well and we think that carrots will be in the shares next week (fingers crossed!) This week we're happy to have spinach and mustard greens making their seasonal debut, along with the always popular "French Breakfast" radishes. We hope you're hungry this week and look forward to hearing what you all whip up in the kitchen.

Happy eating!

Your farmers,
T & A

Harvest 2

  1. Kale
  2. Head Lettuce
  3. Spinach
  4. French Breakfast radishes (remove the greens and store them separately)
  5. Beets (remove the greens and store them separately)
  6. Green Garlic
  7. Bok Choy
  8. Mustard Greens

Recipe Suggestions