2018 Harvest 1

2018 Harvest 1.jpg

Howdy folks and welcome to week 1 of your Tumbleweed Farm 2018 season share. We hope you all had a restful winter and are enjoying these warm and sunny days that spring has brought us. For those of you returning for another season, we are stoked to see you this week! And for all of you newcomers thanks for joining the Tumbleweed family. We are excited to be your farmers and hope you enjoy cooking and eating through the seasons with us.

I know we all might be a little rusty with meal prep and grocery shopping as we find our CSA groove but I know we'll all get there. The first few weeks you can expect a lot of leafy greens and roots. I know a lot of you are seasoned pros but for some of you it may be a little more daunting to figure out what to do with everything. As long as your cupboards are stocked with the basics (grains, oils, vinegars, butter, bread, pasta, meat, etc.) I'll think you'll be set up for success. We'll supply plenty of recipes and storage tips so you get the most out of your fresh produce. And please, never hesitate to reach out with questions. 

As we near the end of May the farm is overflowing with spring greens and is quickly filling up with summer and fall crops. The potato plants have poked their heads out (always a sigh of relief from us!!) and the garlic is starting to scape! I think you'll see garlic scapes in your boxes soon. Tomatoes are going into one of the hoop houses next week after we clear out the first round of spring greens. The tomato plants are looking really good this year and I know they'll be happy to get transplanted from pots into the ground this week. It's a busy time around here but we're so happy to be back at it!

This season we're excited to add a new pick up spot for our Hood River folks and are looking forward to seeing/meeting you on Monday's at Kickstand Coffee. Feel free to stay for a coffee or beer if you're not in a rush to head out the door. And for our all of our Portland peeps we're excited to clink glasses on Tuesday's with you all at Migration Brewing. 

It's great to get back into the CSA flow and we're so thankful to all of you for being on this journey with us. We hope you enjoy the first harvest of the year.

Happy cooking everyone!

Your farmers,
A & T

Tumbleweed Farm Harvest 1

  1. Baby Bok Choy (store in a plastic bag or produce bag to keep fresh in the fridge)
  2. Head Lettuce (give it a rinse and store in a plastic bag or produce bag)
  3. Turnips (remove the greens and store them separately from the roots-- this will prevent them from getting soft). The greens are edible and delicious too.
  4. Beets (remove the greens and store them separately from the roots)
  5. Radishes (remove the greens)
  6. Arugula or Mizuna (this week you either got arugula or mizuna--both are delicious as the base for salads, pesto, or tossed into hot pasta or topped on pizza)
  7. Green Garlic (store in the fridge) this can be used just like you would use a scallion but with a wonderful fresh garlic flavor. Bonus--no peeling!

Recipe Suggestions

Spaghetti with Arugula Almond Pesto (substitute with mizuna if that's what was in your box)

Spaghetti with Arugula Almond Pesto (substitute with mizuna if that's what was in your box)