2017 Harvest 6

Howdy folks and welcome to week 6 of your Tumbleweed Farm share. We're stoked with this week's bounty and hope you all enjoy the fruits and veggies as much as we do! The days have been long, hot and stressful but damn, we're beyond happy with what we were able to pull out of the ground this week. Strawberries are making their seasonal debut along with the snow peas. The garlic scapes are on their way out and I must admit that this week it will be beneficial to cut the stems pretty high (almost up to the rubber band) because now that the scapes are at the end of their season the stems can get a bit "woody". The flavor is still lovely and I'd recommend cooking the scapes this week to soften them up a bit instead of enjoying raw like the past few weeks.  Fresh garlic should be making an appearance in your boxes soon so there will be plenty of garlic to go around in the very near future!

This week we've spent a lot of time thinning beets, carrots, parsnips and turnips. The potatoes have been hilled (thank god for the potato hiller we finally invested in for the tractor!) and the tomatoes have been strung for a third time. They're growing fast and we're really happy with how healthy the plants are looking! We're still seeding thousands of seeds in the greenhouse each week and continue to transplant into the field. Because it's been so hot we're continuously moving irritation around. It's great to have this warm weather (we've needed it) but watering is a full time job! Just as we're getting into the groove of one task it's time to stop and move all the lines around. We're dialing in a system for next season so that we don't have to move them as often but for now, it is what it is and it's necessary!

Anyhow, we hope you all have enjoyed this warm weather and are able to relax a bit and cook up a few farm fresh meals with your friends and family. Enjoy the bounty this week!


Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest 6

  1. Garlic Scapes (trim the ends as they're woody this week. I'd recommend roasting or grilling them)
  2. Kale
  3. Turnips (remove greens and store separately)
  4. Beets (same as above)
  5. lettuce (store in a plastic bag)
  6. Snow peas
  7. Strawberries 
  8. Bok Choy

Recipe Suggestions