Howdy folks and welcome to harvest 5! This week it's a "get your greens" kind of week! Lots of lovely veggies to help nourish you through the week ahead. We're happy that we we're able to sneak in some arugula this week as we though the flea beetles had gotten to it before we could. However, it's absolutely perfect! Tender, lightly spiced and tastes best with just a touch of olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt.
This week we're happy to have another round of garlic scapes be a part of your share. We've been enjoying them on the grill and love their fresh flavor. We're getting close to harvesting full heads of garlic (probably in the next 3 weeks) and cannot wait to get you some fresh garlic soon! A few exciting things are starting to mature in the fields. Snow peas, potatoes, summer squash, and zucchini are looking good. We're still a few weeks out from them but we're happy with how healthy things are looking.
The days are continuing to get warm which we're absolutely stoked about. I think this week we're finally going to see the tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants really take off (we should be harvesting those late July). The days continue to be full of planting, weeding, seeding, watering, harvesting, and spreading compost. We're busy over here but loving life all at the same time!
We hope you all enjoy this weeks harvest. As always there are recipes below to help inspire you if you need a little motivation in the kitchen.
Cheers to the harvest!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 5
- Bok Choy (store in a plastic bag in the fridge)
- Head Lettuce (store same as above)
- Bunched Spinach (store same as above)
- Miznua (store same as above)
- Garlic scapes (store same as above)
- Radishes (remove greens and store greens and roots separately in plastic bags)
- Turnips (store same as above)
- Arugula
Recipe Suggestions
Green Garlic Risotto with Mizuna (replace the green garlic with garlic scapes)