Howdy Folks and welcome to the 21st week of your CSA share! It's hard to believe that we are knee deep in the autumn harvest. It feels like it was just yesterday that we were sweating our way through the morning harvests in tank tops and sun hats. Now we're out in the fields in wool jackets, knit hats and flannel shirts. Taylor actually picks up my slack this time of the year because I take multiple breaks to warm my hands under hot water on these really chilly mornings. It's crazy how quickly the weather turns!
This week we're celebrating more root veggies, winter squash, greens, onions, broccoli and cabbages. If there is one thing I truly look forward to cooking each fall it's a giant pan of roasted veggies. It's so simple and always packs a ton of flavor with minimal effort. You'll see recipes below for simple roasted veggies and just remember, you can always swap the veggies for what you have on hand. Some of the recipes call for butternut squash and this week you all received sweet potato squash (a lovely variety of winter squash) They have a mild sweet flavor and can be used in any recipe that calls for butternuts, pumpkins, acorns or just about any winter squash. Despite all the varieties of squash having a slightly different flavor they are all interchangeable! Have fun with them. Also--the peels are edible so if you don't feel like peeling the squash you can leave it on. It's a texture and preference thing in that department so do what suits you best!
Anyhow, we hope you all enjoy this weeks harvest and the last couple of days of sunshine (eek!)
Your farmers,
T & A
Harvest 21
- Fingerling Potatoes
- Bell Peppers
- Onions
- Sweet Potato Winter Squash
- Red Cabbage
- Garlic
- Beets--remove greens and store them separately
- Carrots--remove greens and store them separately
- Bok Choy
- Broccoli
Recipe Suggestions
Chickpea & Mushroom Stuffed Squash (use your sweet potato squash here!)