2024 Harvest 6

Howdy folks and welcome to week 6 of your Tumbleweed Farm CSA! We hope you are having a great week and are ready for some fresh veg! Before I get to this week’s haul I want to address an issue that was brought to our attention last week. A CSA member was incredibly upset with her arugula last week. Her bag wasn’t up to our standards and we apologize to anyone who had a similar experience. I want to assure everyone we harvest when things are ready and pack and bag only vegetables that are in superior shape. We think the arugula may have gotten too warm in transit and that caused wilting. We hand harvest and hand wash everything (it takes anywhere between 9-10 hours of farm labor to just wash the veggies.) We are very particular with our harvest and wash process. I just want to assure folks that we work really hard to keep up with the quality of our produce but we’re also humans working with mother nature and sometimes things are out of our control.

Anyhow, onward to this week’s haul! We are STOKED with the cabbage. The spring planting looks phenomenal and we had fun harvesting these bowling balls. We’re also starting the long process of harvesting all of the garlic and before we cure it all we wanted to make sure and get you all some fresh stuff. Please use this garlic up within a week because it’s not cured.

We hope you all enjoy the harvest this week. Happy cooking and eating everyone!

Your farmers,
Andrea, Taylor, Pepper, Maize and our awesome crew members.

Harvest 6

  1. Cabbage—this tasty brassica helps reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the leading cause of disease and incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods is very beneficial.

  2. Dill—is great for digestion and helps with bloating. Because of its antacid properties it’s great at easing indigestion, gastritis and other inflammatory conditions.

  3. Rainbow Chard—this dark leafy green is high in antioxidants and important vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, K and A and a healthy dose of magnesium (which many people are deficient in).

  4. Salad Mix—A rich source of vitamins A, K and folate. Also a good anti- inflammatory leafy green.

  5. Garlic—the list of health benefits is almost too long!! It’s anti-fungal, anti- inflammatory, boosts immune health, and is full of antioxidants! Just eat garlic with every meal!

  6. Scallions—Great for overall immune health. Scallions are a good source of vitamin C and a flavonoid called quercetin. Both can strengthen your immune system and help it fight illnesses.

Recipe Suggestions

Farm Fresh Ranch Coleslaw (this is SO good and tastes great all week long!)

Coconut Chickpea & Turnip Curry (sub the chard for the spinach or use the turnip greens)

Pasta with Turnips, Sausage and Greens (so easy and good! My kids love this too!)

Breakfast Salad with Maple Glazed Turnips & Bacon (use the salad mix instead of mustard greens or toss in some turnip greens to the mix!))