Well hot damn! You did it! You all managed to scarf down 23 weeks worth of veggies. Nice job everyone! In all seriousness, we are so grateful to each and every one of you for putting your faith and money into our farm. This season was an interesting one with crazy spring weather (over a foot of snow in the middle of April!) a brand new baby on the first of July, and a skeleton of a farm crew during this last home stretch. But here we are, ending on what we hope is a killer box.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for another great season. Those of you picking up at Migration- we will be there to say hi in person!
Happy cooking and eating everyone!
Your farmers,
Taylor, Andrea, Pepper and baby Maize.
Harvest 23
Winter Squash
Adirondack Blue Potatoes
Yellow Onions
Lettuce Mix
Recipe Suggestions