Howdy folks and welcome to week 11. We hope you all are having a great start to the week and are ready for another heavy load of produce. This week we are SO excited to have the annual debut of shishito peppers! These are one of our favorite summertime treats and we hope you like them because there’s plenty more where these came from! Honestly, the best way to prepare these is to toss them in oil and blistered them on a hot grill or in a frying pan. Then serve them seasoned with sea salt and that’s it!! So easy and so good. My mom also adds the blistered peppers to grilled cheese sandwiches which takes things to a whole new level. We also love serving them dipped into a yogurt sauce, spicy peanut sauce, or garlic mayo for a fun appetizer. Have fun with these guys.
Tomatoes are starting to make their debut. Some of you are receiving cherry tomatoes while others are getting full sized this week. As time goes by you’ll get all of the above at the same time. This is the last week of walla walla sweet onions before we move onto storage onions in a few weeks. We’re busy harvesting those guys and they need to cure for a bit before we start distributing but they’re not far behind.
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this week’s haul. The carrot salad recipe is awesome if you’re looking for something easy to prepare that keeps well all week long in the fridge. It goes well with just about any main course and is really tasty!
Happy cooking and eating everyone!
Your farmers,
A & T & Little P
Harvest 11
Walla Walla Onions
Zucchini/Summer Squash
Head Lettuce
Shishito Peppers
Recipe Suggestions
Zucchini Butter (one of the best recipes EVER!!)