2020 Harvest 16


Howdy folks and welcome to week 16. We hope you all survived the smoke and wind yesterday. What a crazy day! Luckily the farm didn’t blow away. We were a little worried about the greenhouses and all the row cover in the fields but everything survived! So onward!

Also, I believe it’s the first week of school for many of you and your kiddos. We are definitely thinking of you all as you navigate this unsettling school year. We hope you all continue to stay healthy and safe. And hopefully this fall-like weather continues for a very long time so everyone can continue to stay outside as much as possible and run, play and just be free before the rain comes. Fingers crossed!

Alrighty, we are really excited with the harvest this week and we hope you all enjoy it as much as we are!! Happy cooking and eating everyone.

Your farmers,
A & T & Baby P

Harvest 16

  1. Beets

  2. Rainbow Chard

  3. Green Beans

  4. Shishito Peppers

  5. Garlic

  6. Tomatoes

  7. Potatoes

  8. Head Lettuce

  9. Melons

  10. Basil

  11. Parsley

Recipe Suggestions

White Bean Garden Salad (replace the sugar snap peas with the green beans and use parsley instead of dill!)

White Bean Garden Salad (replace the sugar snap peas with the green beans and use parsley instead of dill!)