2020 Harvest 1


Howdy folks and welcome to week 1 of the 2020 Tumbleweed Farm season!! We’re so excited to have so many of you back for another season and to welcome all of you new members. This year is obviously a little different logistically with pick-ups and we’re so bummed to not be able to clink glasses (just yet) or hug all of you after a long winter. But the hugs and clinking of glasses will come soon enough (hopefully!) Until then we hope you feel the love at your dinner table’s when you’re eating a meal with your family.

We’re really proud of how well the spring vegetables are growing so far this season. The fields are looking great and each week new sections are getting planted out. In a month the entire farm will be at capacity which is always the most beautiful time of the year here. As always, the spring time will bring you the most greens and we’ll do our best to give recipe suggestions so you don’t get too tired of them. Although, after such a long winter we’ve just been eating fistfuls of plain lettuce because it feels so good to eat something fresh! But I know you can only eat plain lettuce for so long so the recipes below will hopefully inspire you to get in the kitchen and play around a bit.

We’re so happy to be back in the swing of things over here. Taylor and I say this every year, but we honestly are so thankful to all of you for putting your money and trust into our farm. We could not do what we love for a living if it weren’t for all of you. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We hope to fill your bellies all season long with the best quality ingredients grown with nothing but love and no BS.

Happy first CSA box everyone!

Your farmers,
T & A (and little baby Pepper!)

Harvest week 1

  1. Head lettuce (wash, tear apart the leaves, dry and store in produce storage containers in the fridge — I love these ones and they last forever!!) or in plastic bags for the longest shelf life.)

  2. Beets— remove the greens and store the greens and roots separately in the fridge (beet greens are delicious too!)

  3. Radishes— Remove the greens and store them separately in the fridge (if you leave the greens on the radishes will become soft quickly)

  4. Bok Choy— Store in a produce container or plastic bag in the fridge

  5. Bunched Arugula— store in a produce container or plastic bag

  6. Green garlic— store in the fridge as is (white and pale green parts are the edible parts)

  7. Kale— store in a storage container or plastic bag

Recipe Suggestions