2019 Harvest 12


Howdy folks and welcome to week 12! We hope you all are staying cool (if that’s even possible) in this heat! And while the temps are a bit on the toasty side we’re stoked that the tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and corn are thriving!!! We’re just around the corner from having those readily availabe in the shares. It’s been such a slow start to the summer crops this season but I assure you they’re coming along!

This week were excited to debut the first of the summer green beans. They are crisp, tender and absolutely divine. I love blanching them for a minute or two in boiling water and then tossing them with butter and a whole bunch of chopped herbs. They’re also great on the grill or even quick pickled (with the dill!) for dilly beans. Anyhow, we’re stoked and hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Have a great week everyone. Happy cooking and eating!

Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest Week 12

  1. Kale

  2. Head Lettuce

  3. Kohlrabi

  4. Basil

  5. Dill

  6. Scallions

  7. Carrots

  8. Green Beans

  9. Zucchini

  10. Cucumbers

  11. Garlic

Recipe Suggestions