Howdy folks and welcome to week 8 of your CSA shares! We hope you all had a nice holiday weekend and are hungry for this weeks veggies. These cool temperatures have been nice here at the farm, though we’re ready for things to heat up a bit so the tomatoes, peppers, corn, cucumbers and eggplants can start cranking! We’ve had chilly nights (in the 40’s) so while the greens are loving it, our summer crops are a little behind. Not to worry thought, we’ve got plenty to keep you fueled up until that first bite of sweet corn!
This week we’re excited to have zucchini and sugar snap peas baking their seasonal debuts. However, due to the cool temperatures we don’t have quite enough for everyone so this week all of our Hood River members will be recieving zucchini and all of the Portland folks will get sugar snap peas. Next week we’ll flip flop so you all we’ll get to enjoy both! And don’t worry, there’s plenty more where that zucchini is coming from! Just you wait!
Happy cooking and eating everyone!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 8
Beets (remove the greens and store them separately—the greens are really tasty made into pesto, chopped and added to salads or simply sauteed on the stove with a little butter and garlic)
Head Lettuce
Zucchini (for half of you)
Sugar snap peas (for the other half of you)