Howdy folks and welcome to week 21. It’s been a wild week of weather here at the farm and we are sad to report that we’ve had a major kill frost and the summer crops are officially done. This will probably be the last week of greenhouse peppers and tomatoes as even though those crops have been indoor, the bitter cold nights still nipped them hard. This is the earliest we’ve ever had such extreme cold temps but such is life. So onward we go!
This week it’s all about root veggies, winter squash and potatoes! We hope you enjoy the recipe suggestions and get to hunker down in the kitchen.
Happy cooking and eating everyone!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 21
Daikon Radish (these taste awesome raw but I love to quick pickle them!)
Baby bok choy X 2
Bell Peppers X 2
Big Tomatoes
Kabocha Squash (this is one of the sweetest varieties of winter squash!!)
Purple Potatoes
Recipe Suggestions