Howdy folks and welcome to week 23! Only one more week left to go!! Dang, this season flew by. We hope you all have enjoyed your veggies and this week it’s a tasty fall basket! With more kale (hope you’re not sick of it!!) spinach, radishes, carrots, potatoes, winter squash and watermelon radishes (my favorite) it’s a fun box to cook your way through.
It’s supposed to get sunny later this week up at the farm so we’re excited to bask in a little vitamin D as we do a lot of cleanup work. Most of the fields are dead now (we’re only harvesting from the upper field at this point, so it’s go-time to get things prepped and cleaned for next season. The 2020 garlic will be going into the ground the last week of October (weather permitting) and will hang out there all winter longer. Once the garlic is in, we can relax a bit! Yeeehawww!!!
Enjoy this week’s bounty everyone!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 23
Watermelon Radishes
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash
Recipe Suggestions
Pork & Vegetable Stew (swap the zucchini for a winter squash)