Howdy folks. Welcome to harvest week 18. We hope you enjoy the flavors of this week’s box. More summer bounty with lot’s of fall goodies. We’re almost done harvesting all of the winter squash in the field and the barn is packed to the brim with so many storage crops. It really is feeling like a new season. The cold weather (we’ve been down to the high 30’s) is starting to slow down the tomatoes. We’re hoping to still squeeze a few more weeks with the cherry tomatoes and the full size one’s should hold on a little longer.
Anyhow, it’s good weather for soups and stews!
Happy cooking everyone.
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 18
Cherry Tomatoes
Full Size Tomatoes
Bok Choy
Red Onion X 2
Winter Squash (Fairy)
Romain Lettuce
Potatoes (Kennebec)
Bell Peppers X 2
Recipe Suggestions
Chipotle Butternut Squash Soup (use the Fairy Squash here)
Roasted Pumpkin & Apple Soup (use the Fairy squash)