Howdy folks and welcome to harvest week 8. We hope you had a wonderful 4th of July holiday and hopefully got to grill up some of the bounty with your family and friends. This coming week we've got more delicious veggies heading your way and we're excited to share more of the early summer flavors with you. Up first--we cannot be more thrilled with how the garlic performed this year. The heads are large, the flavor is pungent, and it's hands down the best harvest we've had in the 6 years that we've been growing it in Oregon.
Things are getting toasty out in the field which means some things will be happier than others. We're continuing to move irrigation around all day long which is a part time job in of itself. Luckily, we installed a pump in the early spring and the pressure is freaking amazing!
Fingers are crossed that carrots will return to the boxes next week and potatoes are not far behind. Cucumbers should be making their seasonal debut in the next couple of weeks too. Enjoy this peas because their season is a short one and it's likely that this may be the last week for them.
Alrighty, that's all the news from the farm. We hope you all have a wonderful week filled with tasty meals and good company to enjoy them with.
Cheers from Tumbleweed!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 8
- Garlic
- Head Lettuce
- Swiss Chard
- Radishes (remove the greens right away and store them separately)
- Snow Peas
- Cilantro
- Zucchini/Summer Squash
- Leeks
- Beets
Recipe Suggestions
Sesame Ginger Roasted Beets