2018 Harvest 5

harvest week 5 2018.jpg

Howdy folks and welcome to harvest week number 5! Recently, it seems as if the weeks are flying by and we're doing our best to keep up. We're bidding farewell to a few spring greens like spinach and bok choy until early fall when they'll be ready again. This is the last week of garlic scapes but we're looking forward to getting you all fresh garlic in a few weeks when we harvest it. The sugar snap peas and snow peas are looking great and will most likely be making their seasonal debut in your boxes next week (weather permitting). So lot's of delicious things to look forward too! 

This week we're beyond excited to have broccoli available for you all. We didn't think we'd have enough for everyone because the first few plantings got completely wiped out by root maggot and we had to till them under. It's been incredibly frustrating because for the past 2 years at the farm we've had major issues with the little bastards and despite our efforts and organic methods to keep them at bay, they seem to be relentless with the broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. With that being said, it feels like a dang miracle that this last planting wasn't touched! So we hope you enjoy the broccoli as much as we do!

Another vegetable making its seasonal debut is iceberg lettuce. We know that iceberg can get a bad reputation but here at Tumbleweed we're trying to change that! There's nothing we love more than a good old fashioned wedge salad and we hope you love the fresh crisp flavor. 

This week you're receiving the Nero Tondo radish which are black radishes that have a stronger kick than the traditional radishes that we grow. The greens on these radishes aren't as good for eating as with the other radishes but the roots themselves are wonderful. No need to peel them but if you slice them into thin rounds they make the best topper for avocado toast, pizza, sandwiches or simply serve them with a little cold butter and sea salt for a happy hour snack. You can also cut them into small chunks and roast them with other veggies too. Once cooked their strong flavor mellows out a bit.

Alrighty, we hope you've been enjoying the bounty so far. If you're having trouble getting through all the veggies don't forget to whip up our favorite "compost pasta" recipe. Which is basically a huge pot of sautéed veggies (throw all of them into the pot) with plenty of butter and garlic and stir into hot pasta with some parmesan cheese. It's a bullet proof method for making room in your fridge for the next round of greens.

Have a great week everyone.

Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest 5

  1. Garlic scpaes

  2. Swiss Chard

  3. Iceberg Lettuce

  4. Nero Tondo Radishes (remove the greens)

  5. Kohlrabi

  6. Salad Mix

  7. Broccoli

  8. Turnips  

Recipe Suggestions


Garlic & Butter Roasted Turnips (sub garlic scapes for cloves)

Garlic & Butter Roasted Turnips (sub garlic scapes for cloves)