2018 Harvest 21

2018 harvest 21.jpg

Howdy Folks and welcome to week 21. Dang, with only three weeks left of CSA deliveries for the 2018 season it’s starting to feel strange around here. Most of the fields have been tilled in, cover crop has been sown, and we’re only harvesting from a small section of the lower field. What a season it’s been! We’re so happy you all rode the waves and stuck with us through the year. Thank you thank you thank you!

We hope this week’s box is a tasty one for you all. Happy cooking!

Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest 21

  1. Bok Choy

  2. Turnips

  3. Scallions

  4. Broccoli

  5. Head Lettuce

  6. Bell Peppers X 2

  7. Yellow Onions X 2

  8. Garlic

  9. Acorn Squash X 2

  10. Adirondack Blue Potatoes

Recipe Suggestions