And just like that...we're in mid September!!! Damn guys, time is starting to fly by. The farm is still cranking out summer bounty like none other but we're starting to shift into fall mode a bit. This week we're happy to have lettuce back in your shares along with some spaghetti squash, eggplant and onions. We're giving you all a break from summer squash, zucchini and cucumbers this week because we just felt like you might hit us over the head if you got more this week. However, they'll be back in the rotation next week.
The air quality at the farm has been the pits because of the fire but it hasn't affected the crops. We're doing our best to take breaks throughout the days and fingers are crossed that this beast gets completely contained soon.
We hope everyone is getting back into the groove of school, work, and just general routines as we say goodbye to summer. We hope you all enjoy this week's bounty. It's a great box and we're pretty stoked with it!
Happy cooking!
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 17
- Swiss Chard
- Head Lettuce
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Full sized Tomatoes
- Garlic
- Red Onion
- Eggplant
- Bell Peppers
- Hot Peppers (Jalapeño, Hungarian Hot Wax and Poblano)
- Spaghetti Squash
- Basil
- Beets