Hot damn!! It's getting toasty out here folks. We hope you all are staying relatively cool. This week is going to be a rough one but the list of things to get done is long so we're going to do our best to keep up with chores despite the heat. Because of the extreme temperature you'll notice a flavor difference in a few of the items this week. The lettuce is going to be stronger (and have a slight bitter taste to it). Bitter isn't bad and I encourage folks to recognize that the temperature and weather conditions always affect the flavor of the crops. This is the August harvest of lettuce and chard and their flavors will be different than say, the June harvest. With that being said, the squash and cucumbers are stoked and the blueberries continue to be juicy and sweet.
We're getting close to our corn harvest (yay!!) and the melons are looking great. The potatoes this season haven't sized up the way they have in years past but they still taste great. They'll be slowly making appearances in your boxes over the next few weeks and then we'll do our big harvest for the fall.
This week we want you all to mark your calendars for Saturday August, 26th 4pm. We're hosting our annual "rock the harvest" party with the always amazing Greenneck Daredevils who will be rocking out for the 4th year in a row! There will be beer and wine available so bring a picnic dinner and enjoy being out at the farm with great music and good company.
Alright folks, we hope you stay cool this week and enjoy the bounty! See you soon.
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 11
- Swiss Chard-- keep in a plastic bag in the fridge
- Lettuce--wash and keep in a plastic bag in the fridge
- Basil--keep in a jar of water on the counter
- Parsley--keep in a plastic bag in the fridge
- Garlic-store in a cool, dry place
- Summer Squash/Zucchini--store in a plastic bag in the fridge
- Blueberries--keep in the fridge
- Cucumbers--keep in the fridge
- Leeks--keep in the fridge
- Beets---remove greens and store them separately in the fridge