Howdy folks and welcome to week eight of your Tumbleweed Farm CSA. We hope this newsletter finds you all well. We are loving seeing all the emails/instagram photos of what you all have been cooking up with your veggies. Keep 'em coming!
It's been a busy couple of weeks on the farm. This time of the year we find ourselves utilizing every minute of daylight to get chores done. When we're not moving irrigation lines around (which takes up most of the day) we're busy prepping new ground--tilling, fertilizing, making beds, marking rows, and laying black plastic. Once beds are properly prepped it's transplanting time. And of course the weeds seem to be growing faster than the veggies so any "free" moment is dedicated to weeding. It can be overwhelming at times but somehow we're getting by and we're extremely proud of what we're able to pull out of the ground.
This week we're happy to debut Tumbleweed Farm garlic along with basil. Yep folks--it's pesto making time! If you own the Dishing up the Dirt cookbook there's our basic pesto recipe in the "ode to sauce" section. It's simple and delicious. Today is also the first harvest of kohlrabi and we really exited about it. Honestly, kohlrabi is one of our favorite veggies to eat. Peel it (this works best with a sharp knife) slice it into thin rounds and sprinkle with a little coarse salt and dip it into butter. That's it! It's so good! The greens are edible too and make for a great pesto. See the recipe below. Before cooking with kohlrabi I encourage you to try it raw. It's absolutely delicious!
The tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, melons and corn plants are all looking strong! It'll be a few more weeks before they make apperances in your boxes but they're pretty stoked out in the field!
We hope you enjoy the bounty this week. And if you all get a moment will you please send some healing thoughts to one of our newest CSA members (baby Odessa) for a speedy recovery and extra love to mama and papa.
Take care everyone and have a wonderful week cooking with your family and friends.
Your farmers,
A & T
Harvest 8
- Summer Squash/Zucchini
- Radishes--White Icicle & Crunchy Royal (remove greens and store separately in plastic bags)
- Kohlrabi
- Lettuce
- Mizuna
- Kale
- Garlic
- Basil (keep stems in water on the counter--don't refrigerate)
- Turnips (remove greens and store separately in plastic bags)
- Scallions (if you own the Dishing up the Dirt cookbook try the grilled scallions with Romesco Sauce!!!)
Recipe Suggestions
Zucchini Noodles with Green Chile Miso Pesto (this pesto is bomb!)