Sweet corn, melons, tomatoes, peppers, beans, zucchini, cucumbers, basil, lettuce, turnips, garlic and scallions!!!! It's full blown summer here at Tumbleweed Farm and we are pumped. It's getting pretty toasty out here but the plants are stoked (even though it's miserably hot for us). With that being said, when the plants are happy we're happy (our needs always come last!)
We've got a huge potato harvest ahead of us this week followed by a lot of transplanting and weeding. We're officially done seeding in the greenhouse but we're still transplanting like crazy for a few more weeks. It looks like all of the winter squash plants are doing really well so we're hopeful you all will receive quite the bounty to help get you through the fall and holiday season. The broccoli and cabbage plantings are thriving and we're thrilled that the gophers have left them alone so far (keep those fingers crossed!)
We also want to give a few more details about Rock the Harvest. It's Sunday, August 28th and folks should plan on showing up around 4pm . The band starts at 4:30pm and we'll have 2 different kinds of beer on tap. Plan on bringing a picnic dinner/picnic blanket (or chairs if you want to sit and watch the band) We're asking folks to keep dogs at home (unless you've already spoken to you directly) due to livestock, crops, and small children. We'll have some parking avaliable on the grass at the farm and there will be plenty of parking right on highway 35. Our address is 5365 Highway 35, Mount Hood Parkdale, 97041. The farm is on the lefthand side of the highway. It should be a rockin' good time so bring your family, and some dancing boots!
We hope you enjoy the harvest this week! The sweet corn was picked today and should be eaten as soon as possible. It tastes best when fresh so try and eat it soon. Also--we love it raw so if you're in need of a snack on the ride home from picking your box up just bite right in!!
Cheers! T & A
Harvest 13
- Lettuce--place the lettuce in a plastic bag in the fridge to keep it crisp
- Sweet Corn
- Garlic-Polish hardneck
- Beans
- Turnips--remove the greens and store the roots and greens separately in the fridge
- Cherry tomatoes--keep at room temperature
- Full size tomatoes--keep at room temperature
- Basil--keep in a jar filled with water at room temperature
- Melons--keep at room temperature
- scallions
- Sweet Peppers
- Cucumbers
- Squash/Zucchini
Recipe Suggestions
Charred Green Beans with Harissa Yogurt (you can use any color of the beans you received)